Find out the types and materials of towels and their uses

Towels are one of the most important household goods. Towels are used to dry the body after taking a bath or washing the face. But did you know, in addition to bath towels, there are many more varieties of towels with various functions? Along with variety in type, towel materials also come with unique benefits. Let's find out the various uses of towels based on their type and materials.

Types and uses of towels

1. Bath towel

Bath towels are used to dry the body after taking a bath. A bath towel is typically large, measuring about 70x140cm, to make it easier for you to dry every part of your body. Make sure to use an absorbent bath towel so you can dry your body more quickly after bathing.

2. Face towel

After washing your face, avoid drying your face with your daily-used bath towel. Because a damp bath towel is a good place for bacteria to thrive. To be more hygienic make sure you have a face towel. Face towels also usually have a softer material than bath towels so they don't irritate your skin, especially if your face is sensitive. The face towel is relatively small because its primary purpose is to dry the face.

3. Hair towel

If the bath towel is to dry your body, the hair towel is used to dry wet hair and scalp. The size of the towel is not as big as a bath towel but not as small as a face towel. Hair towels usually measure around 70x30 cm, enough to dry your hair after shampooing. Although it could take longer for your hair to dry entirely, using a hair towel is better for your hair than using a hairdryer.

4. Bathrobe

When you stay at a hotel, especially a 5-star hotel, you will find the bathrobe easily. The bathrobe is used to dry your entire body slowly while you can do other activities, such as using skincare or drying your hair. The bathrobe is also very useful when you are going to swim. the bathrobe will cover and keep you warm when you get out of the pool and walk to the rinse room.

5. Hand towel

Hand towels are usually placed near the sink area, bathroom or kitchen sink. The hand towel is used to dry your hands after you wash your hands. Using a hand towel is certainly more environmentally friendly than using a tissue to dry your hands.

6. Bath mat

Bath mat is used to keep the floor area dry, especially the front area of the bathroom. With a bath mat you can reduce the risk of slipping because the purpose of this mat is to keep your feet dry. Since it's often used near wet areas, you need to change the bath mat every three days.

Towel materials

1. Microfiber towels

Microfiber material is a synthetic material that is thinner in diameter than human hair. That’s why microfiber material is very fast and absorbs a lot of water. Besides being used as a towel, microfiber material is also often used as a cloth. Towels made of microfiber tend to dry faster than other towels.

2. Cotton towels

Cotton towels are usually used to wipe the face or body because cotton towels have a soft material and can absorb water quickly. Cotton is a fiber which is then processed into yarn.

3. Bamboo fiber towels

Bamboo fiber towels are softer than cotton. In addition, bamboo fiber towels have natural anti-bacterial that prevent bacteria from multiplying and is suitable for you who have sensitive skin.

Now we know that towels come in so many different types and materials. Of course, the function of the towel also varies according to the type. Do you already have all the types of towels above? Get quality towels at affordable prices at the IKEA 11.11 Promo. Enjoy our discount during the promo period.
