Inisiatif IKEA Indonesia

Blue Bag Project

In line with our global sustainability approach, IKEA Indonesia offered the environmentally friendly Blue Bag to customers in place of plastic bags. Each purchase of a Blue Bag, in addition to a donation from IKEA, went towards Mercy Corps Indonesia’s local water and sanitation sewage project in Kecamatan Penjaringan, North Jakarta.

The IKEA Blue Bag Project, executed in partnership with Mercy Corps Indonesia, has been completed by building all 100 septic tanks in end of December 2015, or 6 months earlier than scheduled. The remaining six months, until June 2016, was used to supervise and continue to educate the beneficiaries on the maintenance of their septic tanks.

Learn more about the Blue Bag Project
Learn more about Mercy Corps Indonesia

The IKEA Removal and Recycling service

IKEA is committed to always take into consideration on sustainability as part of the daily activities. IKEA have long been focusing on ways how to use waste as a source of materials in addition to trying to find new sources of materials that preserves natural resources. To support this, IKEA introduce the Removal and Recycling service in cooperation with a non-profit organization.

The Service is part of IKEA Indonesia’s commitment for the environment and children’s education as well as to help reduce waste in order to get minimum possible impact on the environment. The new service offered is also very useful for customers who wish to remove their old furniture when they buy a new one.

Learn more about The IKEA Removal and Recycling service

IKEA Batik Design Competition

Batik is the traditional Indonesian art craft and has long been regarded as a symbol of the country's rich heritage. In fact, the Indonesian government launched an initiative to promote October 2 as National Batik Day, which has grown into an adopted practice throughout both the public and private sectors for all employees to wear Batik every Friday. In respecting this tradition, IKEA Indonesia conducted a Batik shirt design competition among local universities to provide a Batik uniform for all co-workers to wear. Students from fashion, textile, and graphic design backgrounds were invited to create a simple uniform design, combining elements of both Indonesian and Swedish traditions. The winning design was locally printed and manufactured, and chosen to be the official Friday Batik shirt of IKEA Indonesia. The winner also received a one week trip to Sweden, including the opportunity to meet the IKEA of Sweden design team.

Learn more about our Batik uniform design competition


Batik is the traditional Indonesian art craft and has long been regarded as a symbol of the country's rich heritage. In fact, the Indonesian government launched an initiative to promote October 2 as National Batik Day, which has grown into an adopted practice throughout both the public and private sectors for all employees to wear Batik every Friday. In respecting this tradition, IKEA Indonesia conducted a Batik shirt design competition among local universities to provide a Batik uniform for all co-workers to wear. Students from fashion, textile, and graphic design backgrounds were invited to create a simple uniform design, combining elements of both Indonesian and Swedish traditions. The winning design was locally printed and manufactured, and chosen to be the official Friday Batik shirt of IKEA Indonesia. The winner also received a one week trip to Sweden, including the opportunity to meet the IKEA of Sweden design team.

Learn more about the IWitness

Diproses secara bertanggung jawab dari perkebunan hingga cangkir Anda

Kami ingin semua kopi yang dijual dan disajikan di toko kami ditanam dan diproduksi secara bertanggung jawab. Untuk mencapai tujuan ini, kami bekerja sama dengan sertifikasi Rainforest Alliance. Rainforest Alliance adalah label terkemuka dunia yang berupaya melestarikan ekosistem lokal dan menciptakan kondisi ekonomi dan kehidupan yang lebih baik bagi para petani. Perhatian dan tanggung jawab ini kami kerjakan dari perkebunan hingga ke cangkir kopi Anda!

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